Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"What's In A Name?"

"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches..." Proverbs 22:1
"A good name is better than precious ointment..."Ecclesiastes 7:1

My "name" Winslowlady, for those who are curious, is an interesting story. I became a Mary Winslow fan after reading her memoirs and diaries in "Life in Jesus." (Now titled "Help Heavenward") I just loved this woman and felt such a kinship with her! The compilation of her letters and journals were put together by her famous preacher son, Octavius. I devoured everything in print about these precious believers from years gone by. So, upon creating a "name" for myself I chose Winslowlady. Little did I know how appropriate this "name" would be. My mantra to my dear Titus 2 friend who began reading her journals too was, "I just KNOW I'm related to this woman!" My friend and I joke that the three of us are best friends. (We've added Anne Dalton into the circle so now it's the four of us--two dead and two living).

While homeschooling my daughter in 5th grade, we dove into our study of the Pilgrims and the Mayflower. I remembered that we were descendants of people who came over on the Mayflower so I called a great aunt who had dug up all the history. What was the guy's name we were related to? Well, come to find out it was a man named Winslow who was the great something or other of Mary who married into the family! We are related somewhere in the mix!! Just a fun way that the Lord seems to always deal with me! The Lord makes sure that things in my life aren't just ordinary and mundane, but sometimes outright fun!! So, the name is more than just a web name. I am proud to be Winslowlady!

More later on names and what my daughter has learned about the importance of your name...



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